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The Power of a Christ-Centered Life

Providing Bible based instructions for helping believers to be transformed into mature disciples of Jesus Christ.

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Meet Rev Dr. Dieuner Joseph


Rev Dr. Dieuner Joseph  

Dynamic Leader, Disciple Maker, Writer, Bible Scholar, Musician, Martial Artist, Spiritual Formation Instructor

Pastor Joseph is a skilled Bible teacher who specializes in helping Christian believers develop a more fervent prayer life. He is committed to helping Christian men live out their God-given ministry as husbands, priests, and providers for their families and their communities. Through his Blog and weekly Christian Magazine- The Wednesday Word- he provides Bible-based instructions for dealing with the socio-political issues of today.


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"... I am therefore challenged to live with a regenerated spirit, think with a renewed mind, and maintain a rejuvenated body. Then, and only then, can I dare envision an abundant life." 

- Rev Dieuner Joseph
