Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Matthew 6:10
Most Christians are accustomed to saying the Lord’s Prayer routinely. Some people have even memorized the prayer and cherish it as their most common way to pray. Indeed, Christians long for God’s kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven. For, the Lord’s Kingdom is a kingdom of peace, justice, joy, and communion with Almighty God.
As the world struggles with the Coronavirus pandemic, many Christians are praying for God’s kingdom to come. The events of the past few weeks have taught us there is no assurance in the financial markets as Wall Street continues to experience a downturn. Governments are impotent against the chaos unleashed by COVID-19. Most people are struggling to make sense of the uncertainty facing the world. Thus, we pray, “Your Kingdom Come.”
As we pray for God’s Kingdom to come, we must also realize that we are responsible for bringing that kingdom on earth. We are, after all, kingdom workers. It is through our ministry that justice will be established, peace and equity will be realized.
As we walk in the ways of love, the principle of love will overshadow the forces of hatred on earth. It is by feeding the hungry and providing home for the homeless that people will experience the compassion and lovingkindness of Almighty God. We have to set the moral standard that will ensure the protection of innocent children against abuse and the security of the poor against abject poverty.
In Luke 17:21, Jesus told his disciples, “The kingdom of God is within you.” Other translations say, “The Kingdom of God is within your midst.” The point is that God is already establishing his kingdom on earth through kingdom workers like you and I. He is transforming hearts and minds, restoring hope, bringing justice, while establishing his righteousness on earth.
Whereas things may seem chaotic and scary in the world right now, we cannot allow fear to cripple us and stop us from establishing God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. The kingdom of God will not come if God-fearing men and women hide in the desert or run to the mountains while evil and wickedness terrorize the people of the world.
It is said that gun and ammo purchases have increased dramatically in the US since the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic. Many of the purchases are made by so-called Christians who are preparing for “war.” What these people do not realize is that the war has already begun. It is useless to build a bunker in Montana when our real enemy can fight us right in that bunker. Besides, we cannot kill that enemy with a bullet. For the weapons of our warfare are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4).
No one can run from the battle that is prophesied in Revelation. There is no place to hide. The only thing we can do is to turn this earthly kingdom into God’s kingdom. We have to take the battle to the enemy every day through prayer and kingdom service. The idea that we can stay in the comfort of our home or go to some exclusive place to hold out until the return of Christ is not biblical.
Let us, therefore, put on the whole armor of God so we can defeat our enemy. Every time we share the gospel, every meal we give to the hungry, every time we visit those in prison or provide shelter for the homeless or rally against injustice, we are bringing God’s kingdom on earth. We cannot surrender our neighborhood, or city, or our state, or our country, or our world to the enemy. The world does not belong to him. He did not create it. Therefore, we have to reclaim this world in the name of Jesus and turn it into God’s kingdom by the power of Almighty God through the Holy Spirit.
Prayer- Blessed Lord, I confess that many of the people who are called by your name are living in fear and not faith. We have stopped fighting for justice, and are more concerned about Wall Street than your kingdom. Help us to walk in the confidence that the kingdom is already among us. Please give us boldness in our kingdom work, and help us to put on your whole armor so we can defeat the enemies of this world in the name of Jesus.