'I will also walk among you and be your God, and you shall be My people. Leviticus 26:12
It is an amazing thing to know that God longs to fellowship with us. The very idea that the creator of the universe desires to spend time with us should make us feel grateful and blessed. Moreover, we should draw strength from the thought that God is walking with us. However, we often struggle to walk closer with God consistently. Like wandering sheep, we often go astray from the presence of God. At times, we have to be reminded that there are safety and wholeness in the presence of God. That reminder can be trying at times as the enemy lurks like a lion waiting to devour those who wander from the secret place of the Most High. What does it mean to walk closer with God? It means abiding in His Holy Spirit. A closer walk with God is cultivated through the spiritual disciplines of prayer, fasting, and getting immersed in His Holy Word. When we walk closely with God, we become an asset to His kingdom and not a liability to those He has called us to serve. How do we know when we are walking close to God? When we love the unlovable, forgive the trespasses of those who trespass against us, administer grace when we are offended, help the helpless, show love and patience when others challenge us, we are indeed walking close with God. We bear fruits of righteousness when we walk closer with God. God is always walking among us. However, it is up to us to make up our minds to walk with him. Today is a great day to make up our minds to walk closer to him. We can do so by prioritizing his kingdom work over our comfort. Some people may have fallen out of fellowship with God and are at a loss about how to rekindle their relationship with the Almighty. The good news is that God is always willing to take us back into His loving bosom. All they have to do is cry out to Him and let him into their hearts. It does not matter how messed up we think we are. Walking with God is a gift extended to us all by grace through Jesus Christ. God never rejects or condemns the sinner. Restoration through repentance is always available. The Lord mourns for every believer who rejects his amazing grace. He longs to abide in us through his Holy Spirit. Behold, he stands at the door knocking. If anyone hears his voice and opens the door, he will come in and eat with that person (Revelation 3:20). Through this world of toil and snares, we need to walk closer with the Lord. Only God can help us carry our burdens. The Lord invites us to take his yoke upon us so we can have rest. Indeed, God is a yoke-fellow to those who walk closely with him. He will never forsake those who walk closely with him. In our weakness, he will give us strength. When we are weary and worn, he will give us rest. The Lord gives joy to those who walk closely with him. It is in walking closer to God that our strength is renewed, our purpose is revealed, and our joy is perfected. God orders the steps of those who walk closely with him. Our best defense against the devil and his demons is to walk closer with God. Prayer- Blessed Lord, please order our steps in your word so we can walk closer with thee.