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Writer's picture Dieuner Joseph


And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9

For many people around the world, this feels as if it has been a prolonged winter season in light of COVID-19. Indeed, the first known case of coronavirus traced back to November 2019, in China. Since that time, hundreds of thousands of people have either died or have been gravely ill with coronavirus.

This is the season of mourning for the people that have lost loved ones to COVID-19. For others, this is the season of financial hardships due to lost employment. We cannot forget those for whom this is a season of loneliness and depression as they are sheltering-in-place alone. As many parents have had to homeschool their children, this is a season of anxiety and busyness in many households.

In today’s text, we are reminded not to grow weary of doing good, for, in due season, we will reap if we do not give up. There cannot be any reaping without sowing. For many of us, this is our season to sow in tears as we grieve for loved ones. Yet we can find comfort in knowing that “those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy” (Psalm 126:5).

Some people are in the season of rest. Sheltering-in-place has forced many people to relax at home. Many people were so preoccupied they were missing small, but important events with their children or their spouses, or their friends. Many marriages have been hanging by a thread because the individuals have not been spending enough time with one another due to the busyness of life. Now, these couples are forced to slow down and get to know one another more intimately.

Whereas most houses of worship are closed during the weekend because of COVID-19, this is still the season for believers to grow stronger in their Christian walk. We now have more time to pray, study the Bible, and meditate on the word of God. This is indeed the season when we can reach out to others more consistently. It is also our season to exercise our love muscle by sharing our blessings with those in need.

Many families are taking advantage of this season to connect with extended family members through zoom teleconference. I have heard many accounts of family members reconciling with one another. Some people are letting bygone be bygones and embracing the opportunity to reconnect with estranged family members.

This is also our season for personal, spiritual, mental, and physical improvement. None of us should squander this God-given opportunity to renew our minds through the word of God, improve our physical health through diet and exercise, adjust our attitudes so we can inspire to empower. We should be intentional in working in us so we can become our best selves.

As many industries are struggling with a high unemployment rate, this is maybe a season to change careers. For some people, this is a season to go back to school to learn new skills so they can adapt to the ever-changing global economy. This may be the season for others to retire from their current vocation so they can devote more time to their heart’s passion, and friends and family.

Unfortunately, this is also a painful, depressing, and anxious season for many. We can help these brothers and sisters by reaching out to them more consistently in a spirit of encouragement. Social media offers us an opportunity to connect with people anywhere in the world. We can be a friend, penpal, email, or text buddy to someone who is struggling with loneliness or depression. If you know of someone who is in prison, write to that person to let him or her know they matter.

Let us not give up on one another during this challenging season. Despite the temptation for many of us to redraw into our own world and focus on self only, let us offer ourselves as a sacrificial offering to God by helping others. Remember, whatever seed we sow during this season of crisis, we will reap the harvest thereof.

Prayer- Blessed Lord, please help us to make this a season of spiritual growth as we seek to draw closer to you and be more obedient to your command to love and serve one another.

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