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Writer's pictureDieuner Joseph

The Remnant

So too at the present time there is a remnant, chosen by grace. Romans 11:5 ESV

Many followers of Jesus Christ are lamenting the decadence and spiritual darkness that are proliferating throughout the world. We are frustrated by the influence of ungodly men and women who are leading people astray with their antichrist messages. Our hearts long for the return of Jesus Christ as we cry out “Maranatha,” O Lord, Come!

We want the Lord to come and put an end to racism, mass shootings, political divisiveness, homelessness and the economic tyranny of the masses by the one percenters. Only when the Lord returns will we see real justice for those who are on the margins of society. Then there will no longer be a white church or a black church. People will no longer be identified by their race, ethnicity, or economic status. There will no longer be Republicans, Democrats, Conservatives, or liberals. Jesus will put an end to denominations and religions. Behold, when the Lord comes, there will be no more wars or rumors of wars. Natural disasters will end. We will all be made to worship the only true God in the person of Jesus Christ who will reign upon the earth forevermore.

In the meantime, God has set aside a remnant, chosen by grace, who are not bowing down to the decadent social norms and values of this world. It is because of the presence and ministry of the remnant that this world is not completely consumed by the wrath of God. The godlessness and wickedness of people who suppress the truth by their wickedness has reached the heavens.

From entertainment to professional sports, the evil one is increasing his influence. He is manipulating the economy, political systems, and religious institutions. His demonic campaign against the Church of Jesus Christ is gaining momentum in the wake of the Covid pandemic, as more people are leaving the Christian faith. He continues to fervent division in politics and in the Church along the line of race, ethnicity, and social standing. Unfortunately, many committed disciples of Jesus have fallen for his deception as Sunday morning is increasingly the most segregated time in American society.

The remnant, however, love their neighbor with agape love. They are focused on feeding the hungry, providing shelter for the homeless, clothes for the naked, and resisting unjust systems and structures. The remnant are prayer warriors, Christ-centered believers who use their time, talents and treasure for the great commission work given to us by Jesus Christ. They are God’s chosen people, His royal priesthood, holy nation, and special possession who are preparing the world for the return of Jesus Christ.

God is using the remnant to proclaim the gospel of truth for the salvation of the loss. The remnant is charged to let their light so shine before others, that they may see their godly deeds and glorify the God of heaven who called them out of their darkness and into His marvelous light. They refuse to worship the gods of this world and are willing to pay the ultimate price for their faith in Jesus Christ.

There is still time for anyone to join the rank of the remnant. The only requirement is to confess that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world and believe “Salvation is found in no one else [but Jesus], for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” Then, get connected with a Bible-believing church family that will help you in your Christian journey. Henceforth, you will be ready for the rapture of the Church when Jesus returns.

Questions for Personal Reflection

What are the spiritual benefits of being part of the remnant?

How are you helping someone else to become part of the remnant?

Prayer- Blessed Lord, thank you for saving me and including me in your spiritual family of faith. Please give me the courage and strength to continue proclaiming your gospel so I can remind the world of your return and encourage them to become part of the remnant.

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