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Writer's picture Dieuner Joseph


The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desire of those who fear him; he also hears their cry and saves them. Psalm 145:18-19

This morning my soul turns to the hymn by Elisha A. Hoffman entitled: “I Must Tell Jesus.” The story behind the hymn is that one day Pastor Elisha was visiting one of his parishioners in the hills near Lebanon, Pennsylvania, who was in great pain and very discouraged. “Elisha reminded the woman that she needed to tell Jesus about her problems. A light broke across her face, and she cried, “Yes! I must tell Jesus.” And so she did. After a period of prayer, she rose from her knees with a brightness in her face. Hoffman left immediately with the words; I must tell Jesus, ringing in his heart. As soon as he arrived at home, and while still under the influence of this experience, he wrote the lyrics to the song.”

For many people struggling with the effects of COVID-19, all they can do is tell Jesus all of their troubles. I spoke to a family member yesterday who lost her mother to COVID-19. All I could tell her to do is to tell Jesus all her struggles. Indeed, she cannot bear her burdens alone. Two weeks ago, she lost her beloved grandmother. And on Mother’s Day, she lost her mother as well.

At times, our pain and suffering can overwhelm our souls and weaken our faith. COVID-19 has afflicted many individuals. Numerous individuals have lost their employment. Countless families are struggling to cope with the grief of losing loved ones while their finances have taken a hit. I have a friend who has been in prison in New Jersey for over 14 years for a crime he did not commit. After many failed attempts to get a second trial, he has resigned himself to tell Jesus all of his trials. In one of his letters, he told me that he could not bear his burdens alone. His wife, children, and most of his friends have forsaken him.

Many people are carrying the burden of loneliness and depression as they shelter-in-place. Others are carrying the burden of physical or mental abuse. Countless people that have lost their employment are bearing the burden of food insecurity. Whatever the burden you are carrying, please tell Jesus.

Tell Jesus may not bring an immediate end to our burdens, but it will give us the strength to endure. The light that broke across the face of the woman that Hoffman told to tell Jesus about her problems did not mean that her anguish ended. What changed was her perspective about life. Telling Jesus about her problems gave her hope and strengthened her resolve to persevere.

One of the reasons we must tell Jesus all of our trials is because he cares and loves his own. That love was demonstrated at Calvary. Jesus is a kind and compassionate friend who can do exceedingly and more abundantly than we can ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20).

Do you have burdens that you cannot bear alone? Are there troubles that are too much for you to handle? May I recommend that you “Have a little talk with Jesus, and tell him all about your troubles! He will hear your faintest cry; he will answer by and by.”

Jesus invites us to come to him with all of our burdens. Our troubles are not too difficult for him to handle. He alone can dry our tears and turn our mourning into joy. He is waiting for you to call his name. So, go ahead and tell him all about your troubles. He alone can give rest to the weary.

Prayer- Blessed Lord, the world is facing an enemy; it cannot easily defeat. Many are troubled and anxious about their circumstance. As death and devastation are overtaken the land, please remember your mercy and rescue us by your grace. In Jesus’ name!

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