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The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18

It is easier to worship and praise God when everything is working according to our expectations. When the bills are paid, loved ones are healthy and safe, afflictions have avoided our homes, and all our needs are met, we can easily put our spiritual life on autopilot and cruise down the Christian journey with spiritual contentment. However, when our burdens are not lifted by God or death has invaded our sphere of influence, or sickness is harassing our body, or we find ourselves in a state of scarcity instead of prosperity, praying can become cumbersome or even disappointing if the answer to our petition is delayed.

Praying in our brokenness can be both spiritually rewarding and frustrating. God supplies extra grace to the broken-hearted who seek His face in prayer. Indeed, the Psalmist proclaims when the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles (Psalm 34:17). When we pray in our brokenness, we beseech God’s strength to be made perfect in our weakness.

The prayer of the brokenhearted tends to be more focused, sincere, urgent, and faith-driven. The afflicted do not have time for vain repetition and spiritual platitudes. They do not rely on clichés or meaningless rhetoric to let their request be made known to God. They tend to draw closer to God because they know only the Almighty can meet their urgent need and mend their brokenness.

However, because God does not answer our petitions as per our expectations we can easily become frustrated when God delays in responding to our urgent cries. Many people lose their faith as they wait for God to answer their prayers. Others become discouraged and hopeless as they await God’s comforting grace. They do not understand it is God’s Holy Spirit who enables us to go through trials and hardships without losing our minds. Indeed, the Holy Spirit ministers to us as we go through the valley of the shadow of death.

God alone can dry our tears after a tragic loss. Without God, it would not be possible for a mother to endure the pain of losing a child. Even in this pandemic, God is sustaining those who are losing their businesses or employment. God is also going to hospitals to save lives. We can take every condition to God in prayer because He cares for us.

At times, God breaks us so He can rebuild us. This spiritual breaking is often called pruning. Indeed, God does not hesitate to put his beloved through the fiery furnace so we can bear more spiritual fruits. That is why we should always pray. God can reveal the purpose of our brokenness and give us the courage to go through without losing our faith in Him.

Jesus stood with the three Hebrew boys in the fiery furnace. The Almighty sent an angel to shut the mouth of the lion so it would not attack Daniel. God created a hydraulic highway in the middle of the Red Sea so the Israelites can escape their oppression from Egypt. These examples confirm that The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Let us not forget that prayer is a spiritual release valve that allows us to communicate our condition to our Father in Heaven. For, those who sow in tears will reap in joy because God is a mender of our brokenness. So let us pray with confidence knowing God hears and will answer our prayers.

Questions for Reflection

Are you going through an affliction and find it difficult to pray?

How has your affliction impacted your prayer life?

Prayer- Blessed Lord, thank you for mending our brokenness. Please supply an abundance of grace to those who are overwhelmed with their affliction.

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