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Writer's picture:  Dieuner Joseph Dieuner Joseph

And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, "This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me." Luke 22:19

Jim was a senior executive in a pharmaceutical company. At the height of his career, he was making high six figures with a two million dollars stock-option benefit package. Jim and his wife, Sarah, had one child who was about to go to college. During his annual check-up, the doctor discovered a lump that turned out to be cancerous. After months of cancer treatment and hundreds of dollars of medical bills, Jim’s finances had considerably declined. He subsequently lost his job because he could not keep up with all the responsibilities of his high profile job.

Jim and his wife sold their palatial estate and moved into a modest home. They also sold their luxury automobiles and downgraded their standard of living so they can continue to pay for their child’s college tuition and fees. It was while unemployed that Jim became more involved in church activities. Eventually, Jim became a small group leader for men and a passionate member of the mission ministry at his church. Jim traveled to many African countries on mission trips and helped to build schools and water wells.

The allure of prosperity and affluence is hard to resist. Not too many people can forego the opportunity to live a prosperous lifestyle. Most of us want to stay on top of the food chain. We want to be noticed, respected, and admired. Yet it is in our brokenness that we often yield more spiritual fruits for the kingdom of God.

God did not send His Son into the world as a business mogul or powerful monarch. Though Jesus was and always will be the King of kings, he came among us as a suffering servant. In his brokenness, Jesus redeemed humanity and changed our eternal destiny.

In today’s text, Jesus invites us all to partake in his brokenness. We are made whole because his body was broken for us. In the same way, others can be restored and transformed through our brokenness. For some, it is when they have been humbled by the Almighty, that they can touch more lives. That is part of God’s divine math. The almighty often adds purpose and fruitfulness by subtracting busyness. Indeed, he frequently adds influence by subtracting affluence.

Jim’s spiritual influence increased when his affluence decreased. Perhaps you are going through a season of brokenness whereby God is decreasing your affluence so he can increase your influence. Let us, therefore, not bemoan our season of brokenness because we know all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28).

Most people pray more fervently and effectually in their brokenness. We tend to relate to others with more grace and compassion after we have been broken. That does not mean God cannot use us in our affluence. But it is in our brokenness that we are more aware of God’s strength supplementing our weaknesses.

The example provided by Jesus at Calvary reminds us that what others may perceive as a weakness may very well be the area where God is strengthening us to be more fruitful for his kingdom work. In his compassion, the Almighty breaks us with grace, and for a divine purpose. Then we can bring glory to his name as we minister to others with humility and compassion.

Prayer- Blessed Lord, thank you for using us in our brokenness. Please help those who, in their season of brokenness, are struggling to live in the joy of the Lord.

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