Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34 NIV
After nearly a couple of months of practicing social distancing while sheltering-in-place, many people are becoming restless and longing for things to get back to the way they were. Many people are feverishly advocating for the sheltering-in-place order to be lifted in their community so they can start living a normal life again. However, with over 61,534 people dead so far from coronavirus, we have to prepare our minds to make the best of our new normal and be as productive as we can be under our current circumstances.
In today’s text, Jesus tells his disciples not to worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Jesus wanted his disciples to make the best of the opportunity they had each day to love, serve, and enjoy life. He did not want them to forego the blessings of today in anticipation of a better tomorrow. After all, no one knows what tomorrow will bring.
Now is the time to love others to the utmost. We cannot wait for things to get back to normal so we can do the work of ministry. With thousands of people dying in the US alone from Coronavirus, now is the time to proclaim the salvation of Jesus Christ.
Sheltering-in-place is not a sabbatical from kingdom work. Through the help of technology, we can be as engaged in great commission work as we’ve ever been. Because of coronavirus, more people are becoming food insecure. Now is the time to feed these brothers and sisters. They cannot wait for things to be normal again so they can eat.
Many people are struggling with depression during this crisis. Some are even committing suicide because they have lost all hope. Just one phone call per day can make a difference. Today, yes today, is the right time to make that phone call to someone the Lord has placed in your heart.
We have to get ready now to meet our maker. There is no guarantee that we will not be infected with coronavirus and die. Living in the now means living with eschatological hope. That is, longing for Jesus to return so we can be enraptured with him. Yet we persist in doing his will so we can get our eternal reward if we were to transition to glory before the rapture.
Now is the time to forgive others so we can find forgiveness from Almighty God. Don’t wait for some future date to reconcile with others. Living in the now means doing a spiritual inventory to determine areas for improvement. Unfortunately, many Christians are waiting for things to get back to normal so they can study the word of God again, or have more discipline in their prayer life.
At the end of today’s text, Jesus tells his disciples, each day has enough trouble of its own. For all we know, the Coronavirus crisis may worsen day by day. We do not know how bad things will get next week, next month, or next year. Therefore, we have to take the time to enjoy friends and loved ones today because we may not see them tomorrow. If there is something you always wanted to do, may I suggest you do it now and not wait for tomorrow!
Let bygones be bygones and not allow hurt pride rob you of the affection of friends and family. Living in the now means living in harmony with self and with others. Now is the time for inner peace, spiritual harmony with God, and emotional healing.
Prayer- Blessed Lord, teach us how to number our days so we can make the best of every moment given to us.