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Keeping our Eyes on God

I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Psalm 16:8

Most households in the US have access to cable television, on-demand TV, or online entertainment. The world is intentionally trying to keep our eyes fixed on things that are not spiritually wholesome. It is no wonder so many people are addicted to pornography. Far more people are addicted to social media and spend countless hours posting personal information or reading about what others are posting.

Keeping our eyes on God has become all the more challenging in this entertainment-driven world. Thus, many people are struggling with temptations far beyond their ability to resist because they’ve opened the portal of their souls—which is the eyes—to the wickedness of this world. Many believers struggle to stay focused during Sunday morning worship because they can’t keep their eyes off their cell phones throughout the service.

In today’s text, the psalmist commits his eyes to stay always on the Lord. He knows that God is his refuge and apart from the Lord there is no good thing (Psalm 16:2). The only time I feel fulfilled is in the presence of God and walking in the will of God. When I stray from the Lord and allow my eyes to wander, my soul becomes empty. Thus, sinful desires start to influence my behavior and make me a menace to myself and others.

How do we keep our eyes on God? First, by reading His word daily. Psalm 119:11 says, “your word have I hidden in my heart that I might not sin against you.” The more we ingest the word of God, the more secure we become in our spiritual walk. The word of God is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that we may become fully equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16).

The word of God will convict and correct us when we are looking at things we should not be looking at. It will train us to read and digest spiritually uplifting messages and images. The word will encourage us to pursue righteousness by focusing our attention on the Lord and His kingdom’s work.

Second, we are to keep our eyes on God by praying without ceasing. I’ve discovered that prayer is not only therapeutic for my soul, but it also keeps me always focused on God and increases my hunger for God. When I pray my spiritual eyes become the gateway to God’s heavenly throne. Prayer takes my focus away from the world so that I can feel the presence of God and see Him high and lifted up in my imagination.

Prayer and reading of scripture help us to stay innocent in matters of evil. Thus, our eyes become conditioned to look for God in everything and we become instruments of righteousness through a relationship of loving union with God. People who keep their eyes on God abide under the shadow of the Almighty (Psalm 91:1). They intentionally think of whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, and whatever is excellent or praiseworthy to glorify the Lord (Philippians 4:8).

In Psalm 16:9, the psalmist says, “Therefore my heart is glad, and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure.” Many are the advantages of those who keep their eyes on the Lord. They are more than conquerors in their spiritual warfare against the powers and principalities in the world of darkness. Keeping our eyes on God guarantees our physical and personal safety. It assures our eternal salvation and ensures that we walk in the favor of God.

Questions for Personal Reflection

What are some of the things that are preventing you from keeping your eyes on God?

What life changes do you need to make to keep your eyes on God?

Prayer- Blessed Lord, please circumcise my eyes so I can stay focused on you. When sin is trying to infect my soul through my eyes, please give me the strength to resist and the wisdom to return to you through your word. Help me to see you in everything I do so that I can bring glory to your name in my life and ministry.

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