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Writer's pictureDieuner Joseph

I Know How The Story Ends

Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth, and their armies gathered together to wage war against the rider on the horse and his army. But the beast was captured and with it the false prophet who had performed the signs on its behalf. With these signs, he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped its image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. Revelation 19:19-20

The church of Jesus Christ eagerly awaits the rapture with the triumphant return of Jesus to establish His kingdom on earth. In the meantime, we struggle against powers and principalities, and spiritual wickedness in high places. While we are waiting for the triumphant return of our King of kings, we remain susceptible to sicknesses, brokenness, disappointments, tragedies, and discouragement. At times, some believers may feel so overwhelmed by the issues of life they feel defeated.

The good news is that we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus. No matter what we go through or what happens to us, we are already victorious. Our victory was won at Calvary and will be celebrated on the day when Jesus comes back to wage war against the devil and his followers. Revelation 21 describes a great wedding feast to celebrate the union of the Lamb with His bride, the Church. Behold, there will be a new heaven and a new earth.

The book of Revelation gives believers a hopeful eschatology that reminds them of how the end is going to be. In the end, there will be no more struggle against demonic forces, natural forces, and spiritual forces. The end that is described in Revelation is one of victory and celebration. We will not have to worry about climate change, inflation, unemployment, pandemics, cancer, body aches, aging, racism, injustice, and inequality. Even death and Hades will be destroyed in the end.

In the interim, believers need to stay the course and finish their Christian race. We have to press toward the mark to get our crown. Though the enemy is roaring like a lion to instill fear in our hearts and cause us to panic, we must remain resolute in our trust in God because we know how the story ends. Indeed, we know that all things will work together for our good. Despite the way things may seem around the world right now, evil and wickedness will be defeated. Love will triumph and eternal peace will be established forevermore, in the end.

When you are feeling defeated and discouraged, read Revelation, and see how the story ends. Then you will boost your spiritual confidence and remain steadfast in your Christian journey. Though it may seem as if the world is under the dominion of the devil and His demons, God will redeem His creation and destroy all evildoers, including the forces of darkness and evil. So, when the enemy comes against you, stay hidden in the secret place of the Most High, through prayer and meditation of scripture so you can see your victory. Let God fight your battles and wait on the Lord for your triumph.

Though your present circumstance may tempt you to be desperate, remember how the story ends. When your enemies are persecuting you and you feel forsaken, remember how the story ends. When death robs you of a friend or loved one, don’t forget how the story ends. In the end, the dead in Christ will rise. They will be caught up in rapture to be with Jesus. So, if you have a loved one that has already transitioned to glory, you will see them again. That is why we do not mourn like people without hope. We know how the story ends. We may shed tears of sorrow right now, but we will reap a harvest of joy in the end.

Questions for Person Reflection

How do you stay encouraged when you face adversity?

Why is the end described in Revelation encouraging to believers?

Prayer- Eternal and All-Wise God, I thank you for the hope you have given me in your word. When I am tempted to feel defeated by the trials of life, remind me of the victory I already have in you. Thank you for fighting my battles and helping me to live victoriously through Christ.

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