Know therefore that the LORD your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations. Deuteronomy 7:9
Some things are undeniable or irrefutable. For example, the sun never stops shining, or the human body needs oxygen to function. God’s omnipresence and providential love are also undeniable for believers. We believe that God sustains us by his love and is our ever-present help in times of troubles. Thus, no matter our circumstance, we believe that God will come through.
The psalmist says, “The righteous person may have troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all” (Psalm 34:19). This statement of faith is based on the experience and confidence that God always comes through for those who trust him. It is part of the spiritual benefits afforded to those who surrender to the will of God.
How can we be so confident that God will come through? Because of past experiences, and because of God’s faithfulness. That is precisely what Moses is saying to the Israelites in today’s text. He wants them to know that God is a faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations.
The faithfulness of God is our insurance against the vicissitudes of life and our assurance of God’s amazing grace. Therefore, we can be resolute in our faith that God will come through. Indeed, that is why we offer up our petitions to Almighty God. We know that he hears and answers our prayers.
We can trust that God will come through because of the things he has done for us through the years. Believers should cultivate a spirit of expectation precisely because God is unchangeable. He can do today, or tomorrow, whatever he did yesterday. If he could heal us of a headache, he can heal us of cancer.
Knowing that God will come through inspires and empowers us to live victoriously through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Thus, we are exhorted to rejoice in sorrow precisely because God will never forsake us. We live by faith and not by sight because we know that all things work together for our good as members of Christ's body. That does not mean we will not struggle or experience hardships. The fact is that Christians do suffer and die. However, even in death, God comes through by rewarding us with eternal life.
One of my favorite hymns is, “My hope is built on nothing less.” The lyrics of that hymns are a compelling reminder that we should trust God to come through no matter our lot. The second stanza reads, “When darkness veils His lovely face, I rest on His unchanging grace; in every high and stormy gale, my anchor holds within the veil.”
When our faith is tested, we have to remain resolute and trust that God will come through. Many of us are where we are today because we trusted God to come through, and he did. Therefore, amid the coronavirus pandemic, we yet believe that God will come through. We shall overcome the plague of COVID-19 and the plague of injustice that continues to infect American society. I know we will!
Prayer- Blessed Lord, thank you for your faithfulness to those who trust in you. Please help us to trust you with all our hearts in times of adversity.