You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Romans 5:6
A man was stranded at sea for seven days. After running out of food and water, he began to lose hope as he waited for someone to rescue him. To his chagrin, no one came to his rescue as death became inevitable. Just as he was about to drown himself in the ocean, he saw an incoming ship from far away. However, the ship turned the other way and did not come near his location. Finally, he threw himself in the water so he can hasten his imminent demise. Nevertheless, in the nick of time, a fishing boat came and rescued him.
God has a way of coming to our rescue in the nick of time. For some people, right before their cancer started to metastasize, God showed up, and the cancer cells began to die. For others, right before the divorce papers are signed, the Lord softens their hearts and reconciliation occurs. In some cases, it is right before resources are depleted that God shows up with his bounty.
In today’s text, Paul reminds the saints in the Roman church that God sent his Son Jesus to die for the ungodly in the nick of time. It took four hundred years between Malachi and the incarnation of Jesus Christ. During these four hundred years, there was no word from the Lord. Humanity was descending in the abyss of eternal damnation. However, at just the right time, while we were sinking deeper into sin, Christ came and died for us.
We should not give up on those who are lost and refusing to accept Jesus’ gift of salvation. God’s timing is always perfect. Our prayer should be for the salvation of all, even as the ungodly reject the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We have to remain fervent in our intercession for others no matter how far gone their circumstance may seem.
If God can send Jesus to die for the ungodly at just the right time, he can deliver us from our strongholds in the nick of time. No matter how improbable your circumstance may seem, God can rescue you in the nick of time. When all doors are seemingly closed, God can make a way out of nowhere at just the right time. That is why we should trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not unto our own understanding.
It was at the right time that Paul had his Damascus road experience. While Herod was killing the church leaders, the Lord rescued Peter from prison at just the right time (Acts 12:6-11). At just the right time, God called and appointed Moses to become the liberator of the Israelites.
Perhaps, God is calling you into the ministry at just the right time. Maybe, he is asking you to help someone in need at just the right time. We are, after all, his workmanship, created in and through Christ Jesus for good works he prepared for us before the creation of the world (Ephesians 2:10).
Someone in your circle of influence is waiting for you to reach out to him or her in the nick of time. That phone call God has been asking you to make or that email you have been inspired to write may save a life in the nick of time. An act of random kindness can soften a heart and change someone’s perspective about God, in the nick of time.
Prayer- Blessed Lord, thank you for sending Jesus to die for us at just the right time. May we continue to proclaim the name of Jesus for the ungodly to know there is salvation in Jesus!