Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:6-7
I always find it intriguing that I was born on the same day and year that Dr. King was assassinated. Because of that, I am a bit of a Dr. King connoisseur. I have read every book, every sermon, and every speech Dr. King wrote. What impresses most about Dr. King is that he gave his all to the cause of justice and Civil Rights from the heart. He could have enjoyed a comfortable life as the Sr. Pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. Instead, he heeded the call of All Mighty God to become a drum major for justice and Civil Rights for people of African descent.
Dr. King sacrificed his life and led with love. He gave his all for his passion to create the beloved community where people of all races and backgrounds can co-exist in peace. He was arrested, imprisoned, stabbed, hosed with water, criticized by fellow clergy, and ultimately killed. On the eve of his assassination, he preached a stirring sermon during which he predicted his death and said, "We've got to give ourselves to this struggle until the end. Nothing would be more tragic than to stop at this point, in Memphis. We've got to see it through. And when we have our march, you need to be there. Be concerned about your brother. You may not be on strike. But either we go up together, or we go down together.”
That is the attitude we need during this season of unrest and pandemic. We have to give our all from the heart to the cause of justice. People who are food insecure need us to give our all from the heart. We have to give our time, talent, and treasure cheerfully. It is a privilege to be on God’s side as we demand justice and equity for the marginalized. Nothing would be more tragic than to stop feeding the hungry in this recession or to stop demanding justice for the victims of police brutality, or demand that these United States of America leave up to the ideal of the Constitution.
Our struggle for justice is righteous and according to the will of God. We’ve got to see it through. Nevertheless, we have to be careful not to alienate or stigmatize anyone who wants to join the struggle because of his or her race or ethnicity. We should welcome anyone who believes that injustice to anyone anywhere is an injustice to us all. It is either we overcome racism and injustice together, or we go down together as the voices of truth and righteousness.
This is not the time for believers to sow sparingly. It is time for personal sacrifice. Indeed, we have to be willing to sacrifice our comfort so we can transform this nation into the beloved community for which Dr. King died. Even during this pandemic and recession, we have to be generous in our giving, and in our concern about our brothers and sisters. Each of us should give what our heart has been compelled to give by the Holy Spirit.
It is not enough to be outraged by social injustice. Professional basketball players in the NBA sent a powerful message yesterday when they move beyond outrage to boycotting their games as a method of resistance. These players are putting their fame and fortune on the line. They are giving their all from their hearts.
How can you and I give our all from the heart? What concrete steps can we take to make a strong statement against the status quo? Let us leverage our time and resources to demand change. As painful as these times are, they are full of opportunities. We are standing on the precipice overlooking the valley where the lion and the lamb can live together. While at the same time, we continue to see darkness trying to engulf the land. However, as people of faith, we are standing on the promises of God and know that justice and righteousness will prevail in the name of the resurrected Jesus.
Prayer- Blessed Lord, please show us how to give our all and convict us of the urgency to do so no matter the price we have to pay.