Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. 1 Corinthians 15:58
The world will have us believe that we should all aim for fame and fortune. Consequently, many people have grown weary and unsatisfied with their lives though they are doing God’s kingdom work. Some people are bitter and disappointed because they measure their influence based on the world’s standard of affluence.
We must not forget that everything in this world will pass away. What is influential and fashionable today will become irrelevant in the future. Even the most iconic people or landmarks will lose their luster at some point. Once upon a time, the Roman Coliseums, the temple of Diana, Alexander the Great, and the Emperors of antiquity, were idolized or even worshiped. Yet these icons are no longer relevant to this generation. However, Jesus remains the same, yesterday, today, and forevermore. The Pentecostal experience that birthed the church is still creating communities of faith where people can worship the living God.
Whereas Paul and the other apostles are dead and gone, their ministry, their writings, and their labor for the kingdom of God remain relevant and transformational. These men were fully devoted to the work of the Lord. They paid the ultimate price for their devotion to God. Their reward is reassured.
In today’s text, Paul is encouraging the saints in Corinth to stand firm as they give themselves fully to the work of the Lord. He reminds them that their labor in the Lord is not in vain. When we are struggling to devote ourselves to the work of the Lord fully, we have to remember that our labor in the Lord is not in vain. We may not get the recognition, or the accolades, the affluence, or even the influence that others enjoy. Yet we have to remain fully devoted.
It is both inspiring and impressive to read what Paul and many of the saints in the New Testament endured for the sake of the gospel. Their unwavering devotion to Christ turned the fellowship of a few disciples into a worldwide movement that has withstood the test of time for over 2000 years. These brothers and sisters stood firm and did not allow the sounds and fury of their times to dampen their devotion.
Unfortunately, the sheltering-in-place policy will prevent many Christians from remaining fully devoted to the work of the Lord. Some people, eager for money and prominence will wander from the faith and pierce themselves with many griefs (1 Timothy 6:10). Others will remain disconnected from the corporate body of believers, no matter how safe things become. Let us, therefore, consider how we may spur one another on toward love and deeds (Hebrews 10:24).
Every believer is called to the ministry of evangelism. The word evangelism comes from the Greek word that signifies the proclamation of good news. Someone in your church or family may need you to proclaim the good news about standing firm in the work of the Lord. We should not assume that our fellow believers will automatically transition back to attending corporate worship and ministering to others when the restrictions are lifted. Some people will need some handholding and pep talk.
Our devotion will inspire those that are disconnected to get reconnected. Whenever we feel weary and discouraged, we have to ask the Holy Spirit for fresh fire and fresh anointing. God is doing something transformational in this season. And he is using you and me to do it. Therefore, we cannot be moved by the vicissitudes of life. We must always give ourselves to the work of the Lord because we know that our labor in the Lord is not in vain.
Prayer- Blessed Lord, please help those that are struggling in their devotion to your kingdom. May they find the strength to stand firm as they labor for you.