Jesus said to the servants, “Fill the jars with water”; so they filled them to the brim. Then he told them, “Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet.” John 2:7-8
The more I read Jesus’ miracle of turning water into wine the more fascinated I become about the spiritual lessons it contains. Everything Jesus said and did in the Bible is of great significance and spiritual application. Our Savior was intentional in all His ways. His teachings are transformational and transactional.
In verse 7, Jesus told the servants to fill the jars with water. These jars had some water in them already. They may not have been full because of all the guests that had to “purify” themselves according to Jewish rituals, but they had water. Jesus could have easily said, “take some of the water from the jar and take it to the master of the banquet. Instead, he told them to fill up the jars with water first.
The filling of the jars with water represents the filling of believers with the Holy Spirit. Throughout the Bible, the word of God is often referred to as water because the Word acts as a cleansing agent which explains what Paul meant when he wrote concerning Jesus’ cleansing the church “that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish” (Eph 5:26-27). (Jack Wellman)
Jesus wants His disciples to be filled with His word so we can transform this world into His kingdom. It is the word of God that gives us a spiritual taste. Before we can be presented to the world as a disciple of Christ, we have to be filled with His word. The filling of the jar highlights the need for believers to be filled with the Holy Spirit as well. It is the Spirit that empowers and enlightens us so we can do the work of ministry.
Disciples of Jesus Christ have to be filled to the brim with the Word and with the Holy Spirit so we can bring value to the world. Because we continue to leak spiritually, we must go before God’s throne of grace through prayer daily so we can be filled to the brim. The world does not need “half full” disciples of Christ. The ungodly must be able to draw from our spiritual reservoir so they can find hope to deal with the vicissitudes of life.
After the servants filled the jars with water, then Jesus told them to draw from them and take it to the master of the banquet. The master of the banquet did not know where the wine came from. But he did not it was the best wine he ever tasted. Because of the obedience of the servants who filled the jars with water to the brim, the water turned into luxurious wine.
There is greatness to be birthed out of all followers of Jesus Christ who are filled to the brim with the Holy Spirit and the word of God. Paul told Timothy to study to show himself approved because Timothy needed to be filled with the word so he can pastor his congregation at Ephesus. Timothy needs to immerse himself in the word so he can be filled with godly wisdom and knowledge to impart on the Ephesians.
As you throughout the course of this day, ask the Lord to fill you to the brim with His word and His Holy Spirit. The people around us cannot get the best of us if we are not filled to the brim with the word of God and the Spirit of God. Indeed, we easily become angry, discouraged, disappointed, and disillusioned if we are not filled with the word and Spirit of God. Our conversation and reaction can be toxic to the people around us if we are not filled to the brim with the Spirit and the word of God. That is why it is necessary to start and end every day with prayer so God can fill us anew by the power of His Holy Spirit.
Questions for Personal Reflection
What is hindering God from filling you up with His Holy Spirit today?
What do you have to do to prioritize the study of God’s word so you can be filled with the wisdom it contains?
Prayer- Blessed Lord, please fill me up with your word and your Spirit today so I can do your kingdom work to your glory.