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Writer's picture Dieuner Joseph


And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.' Matthew 6:13

In 2014, a supernatural horror film directed by Scott Derrickson and produced by Jerry Bruckheimer was released. The film called “Deliver Us from Evil” is officially based on a 2001 non-fiction book entitled Beware the Night by Ralph Sarchie and Lisa Collier Cool. Deliver Us From Evil tells the story of a New York police officer (Eric Bana) and unconventional priest Mendoza (Edgar Ramírez) who join forces to investigate a series of disturbing & inexplicable crimes. Together they must combat the possessions that are terrorizing their city before it’s too late. None of us will ever be able to know undoubtedly whether or not the Devil is responsible for the coronavirus pandemic, and its related financial crisis. However, we do know, for sure, that he is taking advantage of the opportunity to unleash chaos and destruction in the world. Jesus reminds us that the Devil is a thief who comes to steal and kill and destroy (John 10:10). He is a formidable enemy that cannot be easily defeated and must not be dismissed. All the works of the Devil are evil in nature and outcome. He is the Father of lies and the agent of destruction. We need God to deliver us from the evil he is peddling around the world these days. Without God, we will be easily consumed by his evil works. In today’s text, Jesus teaches his disciples to pray, “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” If God does not tempt us to sin (James 1:13), why did Jesus tell the disciples to say that? These words represent “a plea for God to protect and guide us around situation and circumstances that may lure us into ungodly actions.” The other way of saying it, 'Please, Lord, help me not to sin against you'. We need God to keep us from making false assumptions that can lead to sinful actions or decisions. Most of us know that God can use suffering to help develop godly character. Nevertheless, our prayer is that the Almighty will give us the strength to endure and perserve in the midst of our trials, so we do not go astray as we look for relief from our pruning. Our pleas are that as the Lord is refining us in the fiery furnace of life, the heat does not become so intense as to cause us to compromise our Christian character. That is, after all, the Devil’s primary goal. He wants us to compromise our godliness by disobeying our Father in heaven. He tempts us with false promises and vainglory, just as he did to Adam and Eve. Then he steps aside to let the deadly effect of sin takes its course. Thus, we need God to deliver us from his diabolical schemes and wicked tactics. Throughout the Bible, there are many accounts of God delivering people from the evil one. He delivered the three Hebrew boys from the fiery furnace (Daniel 3:23), and Daniel from the Lion’s Den (Daniel 6:16). God delivered Peter from prison (Acts 12:5-17), and Paul and Silas from the Philippian jail (Acts 16:16-40). That same God can deliver you and me from the deadly effects of Covid-19. Our God can turn a tragedy into triumph. Believers should pray for God’s continued protection against the enemy who goes to and fro, like a roaring lion, looking for people to destroy. For those who are anxious, or scared, or overwhelmed, or perplexed, or distraught, by the coronavirus crisis, Jesus says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Only God can deliver us from Covid-19. “He will not let your foot slip—he who watches over you will not slumber” (Psalm 121:3). So, go ahead and lean on the Lord. He will deliver you from the evil in the world. You just have to trust him and cry out to him. Prayer- Blessed Lord, as some people succumb to the coronavirus, please deliver your people from the temptation of doubt, or fear or desperation or depression. Let your strength be made perfect in our weakness. In Jesus' name!

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