But now, O LORD, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand. Isaiah 64:8
I try very hard to cultivate a healthy relationship with both of my children. I want them to be able to confide and me so I can help them navigate through the difficult issues and decisions of life. My children should feel as comfortable sharing their pains and struggles with me as they are with their closest friends.
That level of relationship with our children is difficult and tricky for parents. As parents, we have to hold them accountable and prune them so they can be more fruitful and useful in life. That pruning can sometimes be painful, and many children respond negatively to their parents' pruning.
Everything we learn as parents have been taught to us by God. Good and godly parents should treat their children as God treats us. God is our Father-friend. As our Father, God provides for all our needs. He protects us and leads us in the path of righteousness. He provides a refuge for us and ensures that all things work together for our good.
At the same time, God is not reluctant to correct us. He does not mind breaking us so we can be more aligned with his will. God is a God of order. He does not compromise on his divine standards. His will is non-negotiable.
Yet he invites us to confide in him and trust him. He appreciates the opportunity to fellowship with us. It makes his hard glad to see us living and growing with his joy. He mourns when we are hurting and shares our sorrows with us. His grace and mercy are not never beyond our reach.
As our friend, God listens to our complaints. He humors us when our logic is flawed, and our perspective is distorted. He does not expose our weaknesses or share our innermost secrets with others. God is always faithful, loyal, trustworthy, and dependable. He is the first to offer help in our times of need, and never forsake us even when we have gone astray.
Some people love to tell others that their mother or father is their best friend. Indeed, it is a great thing to hear that a child has an excellent relationship with his or her parents. Unfortunately, there are those whose relationship with their parents is toxic. Others whose parents are not involved in their lives at all. Many of these people may struggle with the idea of God as their father. Notwithstanding, I believe the idea of God as a friend can resonate with everyone.
As our Father-friend, we should “come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most” (Hebrews 4:16). We should talk to him as often as necessary through prayer, and make sure that we remain hidden in God with Christ.
Indeed, there is not a friend like Jesus. Jesus knows about all our troubles, failures, bad habits, hidden sins, and sinful attitudes. Yet he loves us, comforts us, protects us, and provides for us faithfully. He never rejects, never forsakes, and never condemns. Like the waters of the seas, his grace is an overflowing fountain that never runs dry.
I love the idea that God is my Father, who sits in heaven. That means my life is safe in his hands. More so, I love the idea that Jesus is my savior-friend who is seated at the right hand of my Father, making intercession for me. But then, what can I say about the Holy Spirit who is our counselor, enabler, and intercedes for us at the same time. Isn’t that what a true friend does. Wow! I thank God for who he is.
Prayer- Blessed Lord, thank you for being our Father and friend. May those who lost their parents or struggled with the idea of a loving father in light of their relationship with their earthly father, know that you are a Father that will never disappoint them.