Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9
The Christian journey can be both exciting and discouraging. Every believer goes through the highs and lows of living in this sinful flesh. Whereas we desire to do the good, our flesh is more prone to do the sinful things. Many of us will get overwhelmed by the vicissitudes of life, and want to retire on a deserted island in search of peace.
Unfortunately, the peace that most Christians covet cannot be found on earth. Jesus gave us his spiritual peace to keep us from falling apart as we go through the pains of this world. His peace does not preclude us from suffering on earth. Our Jesus peace gives us hope and joy as we go through the trials of life.
Yet we cannot grow weary in doing good. That is the message from our text this morning. That means staying grounded in the word of God and praying in season and out of season. It means never stop proclaiming the gospel and making disciples of Jesus Christ. On a more practical level, it also means honoring our vows as husbands and wives, living with integrity, and serving God in excellence.
Disciples of Jesus Christ have to stay the course and produce fruits of righteousness no matter how arid the soil around us maybe. We may become frustrated. However, we cannot give up. There will be times when we will become perplexed, but we should never be in despair. We are spiritual soldiers, saved by God for good works he prepared for us before the creation of the world. Therefore, we cannot grow weary in doing what we were created to do.
Everything we do is to the glory of God. Our living should be a form of worship to God. Therefore, we should not grow weary in doing good, knowing that God is glorified in all our good works. Besides every good seed, we sow will ultimately lead to a heavenly reward from our creator and savior. Indeed, we will reap a harvest in due season if we do not give up.
On the other side of endurance and perseverance is a bountiful harvest of joy because we stayed the course. There is also divine favor granted to those who do not grow weary in doing good. So, when we do not feel appreciated for all of our service to others, we have to rejoice and stay encouraged. When we fail to be promoted while others who were not honorable in their practices are promoted, we have to rejoice, knowing that our increase comes from God. When our business struggles because we refuse to lie and cheat to get ahead, we have to trust the promises of God and know that all things will work together for our good.
As we go through this New Year, we will have to resist the urge to grow weary in doing good. Doing good is a reward in itself. Even if we do not get any reward from others for doing good, we become better servants of God and spiritual warriors by doing good. We draw closer to God with every act of goodness. Our spiritual light shines brighter when we do good.
I want to encourage us all to continue to do whatever “good” work we have been doing. To the faithful husbands and wives who are growing weary in their marriage, stay the course. Your faithfulness to each other is changing the world. Parents that are growing weary in raising their children should ask the Holy Spirit for renewed energy to remain steadfast in the ministry of parenting. To Christians who lament having to work in the corporate world, your integrity and holiness are changing the culture in your organization.
Wherever we are, is our assignment. It is through believers like us that God is turning this world into his kingdom. Every act of kindness, every expression of love, every time we serve the homeless, or mentor a young person, or help a person in need, or stand in the gap for a brother or sister, we are doing kingdom work. Therefore, we cannot and should not grow weary.
Prayer- Lord, bless all my brothers and sisters that are growing weary in doing good. Remind them of the reward they are getting now and will receive in glory for all their labor for your heavenly kingdom.