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Writer's picture:  Dieuner Joseph Dieuner Joseph

Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him. James 1:12 ESV

In an attempt to end the ongoing bloodshed and conflict in Afghanistan, the Taliban and the Afghan government are meeting in Qatar to shape a power-sharing government. The war between the two parties has left millions dead and displaced. Since 1979, the people of Afghanistan have endured military conflict. The country has become an incubator for terroristic activities. Most Afghani young men have only known warfare. They are battle-tested and are forced to take up arms against domestic and foreign enemies.

Followers of Jesus Christ are warriors. We are battle-tested and called upon to take up arms against powers and principalities. This war started before the creation of time. The enemy has been engaged in a misinformation campaign to deceive us into believing that we have no power to fight against him. But the word of God reminds us that we are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:37).

All of our trials are making us more battle-tested. That is why we have to rejoice in suffering knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope (Romans 5:3-4). Every disappointment, every setback, every criticism, every obstacle, and every spiritual attack are making us tougher and stronger. Therefore, we do not lose heart in doing good. Instead, we remain resolute in our faith in God and steadfast in living out our kingdom purpose.

Every believer is a spiritual war veteran. We were born to find the enemy and tear down his kingdom. “The weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds” (2 Corinthians 10:4). When we fall down, we get back up in the name of Jesus. We never give up or surrender because we are battle-tested.

When the enemy comes against our loved ones, our finances, our health, or our church family, we have to sound the alarm and call on other spiritual warriors to help us take up arms against the enemy. James 4:7 reminds us that if we resist the devil he will flee. The enemy knows he is a defeated foe. He's hoping that we do not know that.

It is time for you and me to stand up for those who are too afraid to fight for themselves. We have to stand up for the victims of physical and sexual abuse in the name of Jesus. Let us stand up against racism and structural injustice. For every person that is homeless, hopeless, and helpless let us sound the alarm in the name of Jesus. We cannot allow this enemy to wreak havoc in our lives, our city, state, and country without a fight. As we move toward the election, we have to sound the alarm. We have to resist the temptation to become cynical or sectarian in the way we practice our faith.

God has been preparing believers in this great nation for such a time as this. Powers and principalities are trying to cast a dark shadow over this nation. It is time for the people of God to rise up and fight the giants in our land. We are the Davids of this generation called by God to slay the Goliaths of this nation. We may not have political or economic clout, but we have power and authority over powers and principalities in the name of Jesus. Our battle is not political, social, or economic. It is spiritual with political, social, and economic implications. Therefore, we have to live by faith and cry out to God in prayer so we can speak truth to power and proclaim good news to the poor, bind up the brokenhearted, and proclaim freedom for the captives of the forces of darkness (Isaiah 61:1).

Let us not forget, we are stronger and mightier than we may think we are. We are blood cleanse, redeemed through the death and resurrection of Christ, and filled with Holy Spirit's power to do greater things than Jesus did. At times, we may experience some weaknesses, but we are not weak. We may be perplexed, but we are not in despair or defeated. We are battle-tested and ready to do the will of him who called us out of the darkness and into his marvelous light. Glory Hallelujah!

Prayer- Blessed Lord, thank you for the power you have given us to remain steadfast under trials. Please strengthen brothers and sisters that are on the verge of giving up.

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